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Autism & ADHD part 3: Testing and diagnosis

Testing for autism – a dangerous waiting game

Currently, autism can only be diagnosed through careful observation by professional health experts, and we are lacking doctors with experience and training for early screening. At-risk infants and toddlers may be identified early, but most wait many months or years before official diagnosis and treatment . . . → Read More: Autism & ADHD part 3: Testing and diagnosis

The many faces of histamine intolerance

I am astounded at how many of us unknowingly suffer from excess histamine. Some of us itch or sneeze while others get headaches, migraines, joint pain, or nausea – within minutes or several hours after exposure! Our “histamine bucket” fills up based on factors such as genetics, allergies, medication, diet, environment, nutritional deficiencies, intestinal damage, . . . → Read More: The many faces of histamine intolerance

Who knows it’s all in the NOse?

How you breathe may be just as important as what you breathe. My final report of the year reveals my biggest discovery of the year – something that increases chronic disease, facial aging, bad breath, cavities, poor concentration, poor immunity, and poor sleep. Something you can prevent!

Several months ago I decided to tackle my . . . → Read More: Who knows it’s all in the NOse?

Celiac and bacteria: strange breadfellows

While managing celiac disease for the last three years, I repeatedly hear the same question – “Why?” Millions of stomachs are growling for answers. Sit down for a gourmet dish on an epidemic that hits close to home.


Celiac disease is the presentation of a deeper, self-destructive autoimmune condition experienced by 2 million . . . → Read More: Celiac and bacteria: strange breadfellows

A diet to end all others

For years I’ve watched loved ones struggle with diets only to cave in to hunger, carbs, and cravings. Dieting feels like a punishment when we all associate eating with celebration, consolation, or distraction. As a result, the average person is heavier than ever before, and obesity puts us at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart . . . → Read More: A diet to end all others